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Nick Thompson
Why are you passionate about excellence?
Striving for excellence, both professionally and personally is often contagious. Those whom we want to influence will often absorb those same high standards in their own behaviours. This is particularly powerful within a safety critical environment. It percolates through the whole team who strive to follow the strong examples set by their leader(s).
Why are you passionate about people development?
People are the strongest asset within any organisation.
It will always be the greatest privilege and most rewarding experience to play a part in an individual’s continuous professional development. The pride I feel in helping people to achieve their goals and organisational expectations hasn’t diminished over the 16 years in which I’ve been fortunate to have been involved in people development.
Which three words sum up leadership for you?
Authenticity, humility, motivational
Who is your Leadership inspiration and why?
My grandad, James (Jim) Torkington: an “old soldier” and a sergeant in the ‘Seaforth Highlanders’ during the Normandy landings of WW II.
The humblest, understated, engaging, natural leader I have had the privilege of knowing. His ability to make people feel good about themselves was innate, and he had remarkable presence despite only being 5ft 6 ins (1.68 meters) in hight !
His ability to reflect his own life experiences, particularly during the war, philosophically and with humour, were responsible for shaping my behaviours, my standards and my aspirations. His respect for all humanity, despite his experiences, was his greatest quality.