Critical Team Performance - Passionate about Excellence

Our Team

Abdullah Mohammed Al-Busaidi

Abdullah Mohammed Al-Busaidi MInstLM, MCMI


Why are you passionate about excellence?

Aiming high.

Why are you passionate about people development?

People are the most important element in any organization, and their development should be one of highest priority to equip them with the tools they need to cope with a rapidly changing world.

Which three words sum up leadership for you?




Who is your Leadership inspiration and why?

His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said. Simply because he had a vision to convert the country (Sultanate of Oman) to a modern one and it became to reality.

Abdullah Mohammed Al-Busaidi is a certified training professional with more than 20 years of proven work experience. Abdullah was in charge of Personnel Development and Management Training section within the Oman Air Force Technical College.

He believes that the objective of training is to create a holistic learner endowed with requisite knowledge, skills and behaviors to succeed at work and in life. Likewise, the most important element of a managing role is developing people and coaching them for optimum performance for their own best interest and that of their organization. 

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